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Turning Points of View

Adult Pants by John B.

Adult Pants by John B.

35 years of sobriety under my belt and I am somewhat embarrassed to admit this. I had thought (and hoped really) that I could go

drug abstinence sign

What Is Abstinence?

The context in which people first hear the word ‘abstinence’ is not typically during recovery—however, for those undergoing treatment, it is a term that describes

Thank God - Anonymous

Thank God – Anonymous

My mother and father divorced when I was 14 years old and from then on I was pretty much estranged from my father. My father

brain depicting the mental effects of marijuana

The Dangers of Cannabis Use

Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all 50 states. As of 2019, cannabis is fully illegal in only 10 U.S. states—with the

How Stress Can Influence Addiction

We already know, through both medical research and personal experience, that stress can harm our mental and physical health. But did you know that ongoing

4 Ways to Enjoy a Sober Summer

The risk of relapse doesn’t go away no matter the time of year, the weather outside or the temperature. But summer does have unique triggers

Woman reading and practicing mindfulness

How Mindfulness Can Help Treat Addiction

Recent studies, including one through the University of Washington, have looked at how mindfulness practices can be incorporated into treatment to help fight addiction. Relapse

Florida Marks National Drug Take Back Day

In late April, the Drug Enforcement Administration hosted the 2019 National Prescription Drug Take Back Day throughout the country, accepting old and unused prescription pills

How Does Anorexia Affect the Body?

Every 62 minutes, someone suffering from anorexia nervosa dies. Eating disorders are a growing epidemic in America and kill more people than any other mental

women sitting on a bench

Choosing an Ethical Recovery Program

When an addict makes the brave decision to begin searching for a treatment center, there are several steps they should follow to select an ethical

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Turning Points of View