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Turning Points of View

How an Addict Thinks

How an Addict Thinks

Millions of people in America suffer from addiction. It is important to understand how an addicted person’s brain works in order to provide better support

Do Alcoholics Drink Every Day?

The media portrays alcoholics as people who drink all day, every day. However, everyone’s experience with alcoholism is different. From binge drinkers to severe drinkers,

What To Do When An Alcoholic Relapses

Alcoholism affects over 14 million Americans a year. It is a disease that alters the chemistry within the brain, getting sober, the alcoholic may run

Sun Shining Through Trees

Does Addiction Ever Go Away?

When a person becomes addicted to a substance, the brain learns to rewire itself to crave that substance. This can become tricky for an addict

How Does 12-Step Recovery Work?

12-step recovery programs are designed to assist people suffering from addiction of all kinds, from substance abuse to eating disorders to problem behaviors like gambling

What Qualifies as an Eating Disorder?

According to the National Eating Disorder Association, 10 million people are affected by eating disorders. This statistic continues to grow even as 61% of Americans

4 Signs of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that can lead to extreme weight loss and can be potentially life-threatening. Sufferers of Anorexia nervosa struggle with a

How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?

Out of all of our body’s organs, the brain is the most complex and the most active. Without the elasticity and adaptability of our powerful

Getting Help for Bulimia Nervosa

Many people believe bulimia is just an eating disorder. In fact, bulimia is an emotional disorder that incorporates distorted self-image, depression, and body dysmorphia. Bulimia

women sitting on a bench

Is Binge Eating Bad?

You’ve probably heard of binging before, whether that involves drinking or eating too much. But did you know the act of binge eating is actually

Is Group Counseling Effective?

Many people wonder if group addiction counseling is as effective and efficient as a one-on-one with a professional. Here’s the breakdown: What is group counseling?

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Turning Points of View