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Turning Point of Tampa has helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping you find the life you deserve.

Getting to Know the Staff at Turning Point Of Tampa: Hans Lutz, Program Director

hans program director at turning point of tampa

Hans is an interesting individual because of his time working in the field of addiction and experience working his own 12-Step program. You can catch Hans riding a sweet Harley-Davidson MC into work every day. He considers it an honor and a privilege to help others with their addiction struggles; and has, indeed, carved out a life full of gratitude and service to others.

Hans Lutz began working at Turning Point of Tampa as a house manager in early 2000, five years after beginning his recovery journey. He was working two jobs at the time: one part-time, and one full-time while going to school at USF. Hans returned to school to better his education so that he could help others in recovery. He began his time at Turning Point as a house manager, then weekend therapist, and eventually took on the role of Intensive Outpatient therapist. After hard work and perseverance, he went full-time as a Residential therapist before taking on his current role as Program Director. Hans currently holds a Master’s Degree from USF. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counsellor, Master’s level Certified Addiction Professional and a Certified Sex Therapist.

Hans noted that the two most important aspects of his recovery are being honest and following directions. He also noted that through his connection to a Higher Power, the help of his sponsor, his membership to a home group, and by following the principles of the 12 Step Program; he has been able to enjoy long-term recovery.

Besides working at Turning Point Hans enjoys hockey and football, going to the beach, and hanging out with his two dogs, Gunther and Ziggy.  Oh yeah– and his motorcycle. He loves that bike almost as much as I envy him for having it.

What do you value most in life?

“First and foremost, my relationship with my Higher Power, my recovery, Turning Point of Tampa, and my profession.  At the center of all this are the clients. My job can be kind of weird in a way; I’m like the guy who sees 5 minutes of the middle of a movie each time I work with someone. People have a whole life before we cross paths, and a whole life after. Working with a client for 30, 60 or 90 days is a brief period of time, but can be very impactful if I am allowed in.’”

It sounds pretty intense and satisfying?
“Sure, it can be. I sometimes get to hear about the successes of the clients after our work is done.  It can be a very intimate and personal experience for each client. I get the pleasure of seeing the promises of recovery materialize in people’s lives. I look forward to the calls and emails I get from our alumni, expressing gratitude or sharing some milestone in their recovery.”

In conclusion, Hans’ dedication to Turning Point of Tampa, his highly-skilled therapeutic interventions, and experience in the 12-Steps gives our clients the support and direction they need in early recovery.

Turning Point of Tampa’s goal is to always provide a safe environment and a solid foundation in 12-Step recovery, in tandem with quality individual therapy and groups.  We have been offering Licensed Residential Treatment in Tampa since 1987.

Turning Point of Tampa Addiction Treatment Tampa Florida

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