What to bring to Treatment

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Turning Point of Tampa has helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping you find the life you deserve.

What to bring to Treatment

It is recommended that you limit the amount of luggage you bring to treatment to two suitcases.  You will have laundry facilities in your house to use while you are here, including laundry detergent, iron, etc.

If you have any questions in regards to what to bring to treatment, please ask a member of our admissions department for assistance. Our staff can be reached 24 hours a day at 800.397.3006.

What to Bring to Treatment

  • All medications, prescription AND over the counter, in its original bottle. PLEASE NOTE: All controlled substances, illegal substances or medications without prescription information brought to the facility will be destroyed upon admission and will not be returned to you at the time of discharge.
  • Twin-sized bed linens, blanket and pillow
  • Insurance information/card, including prescription card
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Light jacket or sweater
  • Standard watch (no smart watches)
  • Bath towels
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Alarm Clock (Radio with alarm)
  • Two forms of identification
  • Grooming items such as hair dryer, electric shaver, etc.
  • Art Supplies (no paint)
  • Highlighters
  • 3 recovery appropriate books

Examples of inappropriate clothing for the treatment setting are: spaghetti strap tops, tank tops that expose shoulders, midriff baring or low-cut tops, form fitting clothing, including leggings or spandex pants, provocative or suggestive clothing and shorts or pants that expose undergarments.

What not to bring to Treatment

Upon admission, our staff will examine you and check your belongings. This is done to protect you and our clients. Please do not bring the following:

  • Alcohol, illegal substances or any mood altering drugs
  • Gambling Items (ie: Cards, dice, poker chips)
  • Pornography
  • Excessive or expensive jewelry
  • MP3 Players, iPods, etc.
  • Laptop computers, iPads, smart watches, cameras, electronic games, personal television, etc
  • Cell Phone (you may have this with you for travel to our facility but it will be secured in our safe upon admission)
  • Glass items
  • Exercise equipment or craft materials
  • Straight razors, pocket knives, firearms or supplies
  • Essential Oils
  • Aerosol products (including deodorant and hairspray)
  • Laundry detergent or fabric softeners
  • Any product that contains alcohol (perfume, mouthwash, spices)
  • Heating pads or electric blankets
  • Food of any kind
  • Baseball caps, hats, etc.

Levels of Care

At Turning Point of Tampa we offer a comprehensive continuum of care, including primary and extended care programs, intensive outpatient and weekly aftercare groups.