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Turning Point of Tampa has helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping you find the life you deserve.

Getting Help for Bulimia Nervosa

Many people believe bulimia is just an eating disorder. In fact, bulimia is an emotional disorder that incorporates distorted self-image, depression, and body dysmorphia. Bulimia concurrently involves excessive exercise, binging and purging, and a paralyzing fear of gaining weight.

We believe that in many cases, treatment for Bulimia is crucial. Eating disorders can lead to serious health problems and can even lead to death. Below are a few suggestions if you or someone you know has an Eating Disorder.

Admit There’s a Problem

For many, the hardest step in recovering from bulimia is admitting there is a problem. If you know you are struggling, it is best to first admit it to yourself. This opens the door to learning useful tools as you seek help and healing. You are not alone and do not have to suffer alone.

Seek Support

Researching groups specific to your personal needs may be the best choice if you are considering eating disorder support. There are support groups that meet weekly that focus specifically on supporting people with Eating Disorders. Additionally, speaking with a professional, such as a therapist or a psychiatrist, will provide extra support, encourage well-being and provide a safe space to heal.

Consider Treatment

Turning Point of Tampa’s goal is to always provide a safe environment and a solid foundation in 12-Step recovery, in tandem with quality individual therapy and groups. We have been offering Licensed Residential Treatment in Tampa since 1987.

Turning Point of Tampa Addiction Treatment Tampa Florida

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