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gambling addiction

What is Gambling Addiction?

A gambling addiction, also called gambling disorder, is the compulsive need to gamble despite negative consequences. Characterized by a lack of impulse control, the disorder


How COVID-19 is Affecting Our Country

COVID-19 continues to cause great loss around the globe, including the loss of loved ones, livelihood, financial and personal security, and more. Some of these

controller depicting gaming addiction

What is Gaming Addiction?

Gaming addiction, also called gaming disorder, refers to the compulsive need to play video games even in the face of negative consequences. The addiction goes

The Fellowship, by Sandra D.

The Fellowship, by Sandra D.

I have been in recovery since 2002 and I have seen my share of ups and downs over the years. However, last year was what


Grief and Resiliency During COVID-19

The coronavirus, officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, continues to cause loss around the world. Whether it is a loss of life, a

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers Logo

News from NAATP

The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) is a professional society whose members advocate for excellence in addiction treatment and better access to those

Painting by Numbers by Eugene H.

Painting by Numbers by Eugene H.

The day I realized I was on the right track I had committed myself to a rehab program to seek help addressing my alcohol, crack

Chemical formula of Heroin

The Risk of Heroin and Synthetic Forms

Heroin is an illegal opioid drug that is highly addictive and widely abused. The drug is made from morphine, which is extracted from specific varieties

A Message to Alumni, by Hans L.

A Message to Alumni, by Hans L.

Dear Alumni, I hope that you are sober and doing well as you read this. I wanted to share something with you that played a

yellow stress ball

Dealing with Stress During Recovery

It’s impossible to live a completely stress-free life. Whether it’s due to anxiety over an upcoming event or related to moments of fear or worry,

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Turning Points of View