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Turning Points of View

forest illustrating experiential therapy

Experiential Therapy for Addiction

Experiential therapy guides clients in the use of expressive tools and activities to re-experience emotions tied to past situations and relationships. Through psychodrama, use of

profile illustrating behavioral therapy

Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

Behavioral therapies are based on the belief that behavioral patterns are often learned and may be linked to past conditioning and environmental influences. The goal

trauma spelled out

Trauma Therapy for Addiction

Trauma results from events or situations an individual perceives as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening. A traumatic event may include child or domestic

colored pencils depicting art therapy concept

Art Therapy for Addiction

Art therapy encourages the use of expressive tools and activities to facilitate recovery from substance use and other mental disorders. This therapy allows clients to

woman struggling with alcoholism

Alcohol Sales Spike Since COVID-19

The public health crisis caused by COVID-19 continues to adversely affect many individuals both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, fear, isolation, financial insecurity, boredom, and worry

man surrounded by Coronavirus and stressful news headlines

Managing Parental Stress During COVID-19

The negative consequences of COVID-19 echo far beyond a public health crisis. Staggering unemployment rates, widespread social isolation, school closures, activity cancellations, unavailability of support

Pride Month 2020

Celebrating Pride Month

June has been designated a month of celebration in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) community for decades. This month, LGBTQ

people healing the body through physical activity

Why Healing the Body is Important to Recovery

Eating disorders or misuse of drugs or alcohol can dangerously impact physical health. Eating disorders can lead to severe digestive issues, including malnutrition and starvation.

man falling in a phone depicting social media addiction

Understanding Social Media Addiction

If you constantly check your social media, even when driving, eating out with friends, or watching a movie, this behavior may be impairing or endangering

gambling addiction

What is Gambling Addiction?

A gambling addiction, also called gambling disorder, is the compulsive need to gamble despite negative consequences. Characterized by a lack of impulse control, the disorder

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Turning Points of View