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What is Lorazepam? | Turning Point of Tampa

What is Lorazepam? Lorazepam (Ativan) is a substance that is part of a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. These drugs work by making changes in the central nervous system, slowing down brain activity. This drug works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved this […]

Suicide Prevention: A Community Effort

Suicide Prevention: A Community Effort | Turning Point of Tampa

An Important Observance: September marks the observance of National Suicide Prevention Month. This observance is held to emphasize the importance of efforts to reduce the rate of deaths by suicide. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States for people of all ages, but some groups have an even higher risk, […]


Orthorexia Nervosa | Turning Point of Tampa

What is Orthorexia? Orthorexia nervosa describes an obsession with healthy eating and a fixation with eating certain foods that you find essential to a healthy diet. With orthorexia you will continuously focus on healthy eating to the point that takes over your life. American physician Steve Bratman first created the term “orthorexia” in 1997. He […]

September is National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month | 2021 | Turning Point of Tampa

September of 2021 brings with it the 32nd iteration of National Recovery Month, an annual celebration of sobriety, recovery, and the efforts of those who treat and struggle with substance use and mental health issues. This year the occasion bears an increased weight, as the preceding year saw a major increase in drug overdoses, with […]


Fentanyl Patches | Turning Point of Tampa

Fentanyl is an opioid that is used for treatment of chronic and severe cancer pain, back injuries, surgeries, major trauma, or nerve damage. Fentanyl is a prescription medicine closely monitored by the Drug Enforcement Administration. When not taken as prescribed or procured from an illicit manufacturer fentanyl is renowned for causing overdose deaths. What is […]

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome | Turning Point of Tampa

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can range from mild to severe withdrawal symptoms, and the severity depends on factors such as the amount of alcohol use and your medical history. When you or someone you know is dependent upon alcohol and alcohol use suddenly stops or you reduce your alcohol intake, there […]

Legislation Roundup: August 2021

turning point of Tampa - legislative building

$1.6 Billion Opioid Settlement Florida is a major beneficiary of a recent legal settlement over the opioid crisis. Along with 14 other states, Florida has negotiated an agreement with three pharmaceutical distributors and one drug manufacturer to pay out massive settlements to compensate the state and its citizens for the effects of the opioid epidemic. […]

The Positive Effects of Sober Outdoor Activities

hikers crossing a river outdoors

If you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, sober outdoor activities can help you stay on track. Connecting with the outdoors helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which are known risk factors for relapse. Outdoor activities can increase your sense of well-being as you enjoy nature either on your own or […]

Why Pandemic Stress is Causing an Increase in Eating Disorders

closed sign in front of cafe depicting the impact of the pandemic

Eating disorders, especially among young people, more than doubled between 2000 and 2018, according to a review of studies published in 2019. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, experts across the globe have reported a sharp increase in the number of people seeking help for eating disorders. In fact, the National Eating Disorders […]

Understanding Body Dysmorphia and Body Image Issues

depressed woman with body image issues looking at a mirror

Understanding Body Dysmorphia and Body Image Issues Body image refers to the way a person perceives his or her appearance and how they believe others see them. How a person thinks and feels about their body directly affects their self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) classifies body dysmorphic […]

How COVID Has Impacted the Mental Health of College Students

college students communicating virtually on graduation day

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives around the globe in a myriad of ways, ranging from the inconvenient to the devastating. Isolation, job losses, school closures, disrupted routines, family problems, and loss of in-person support systems have all contributed to an increase in mental health issues, substance use disorders, eating disorders, and both domestic and […]

Family Recovery from the Point of View of a Parent in Recovery

colorful painting of happy family

As a parent in recovery, you have taken the courageous step to stop using drugs or alcohol and to commit to long-term sobriety. You understand that addiction is a family disease and that your loved ones need support and guidance as they work to recover from the effects of addiction in the family. Why We […]

Recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month

mental health awareness month banner

Every May, organizers of Mental Health Awareness Month seek to raise awareness about mental health, aiming to fight the stigma associated with mental health conditions, provide support and resources for those affected by mental illness and advocate for policies that increase treatment resources for those in need. First observed in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month […]

Celebrating Nurses Week: Why Nurses Are Heroes

thank you nurses message

Healthcare workers continue to work the front lines of a fight no one could have predicted a year ago. But this is nothing new to nurses or other health care heroes, who have fought throughout the decades to save lives during earlier epidemics, wars, disasters, and the countless health challenges that affect individuals and their […]

How Overdose Increases During COVID-19 Are Impacting Local Emergency Rooms

emergency room

Although emergency room (ER) visits have declined by about 40 percent since the start of the pandemic, visits related to overdose, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health and addiction-related challenges have increased. Tragically, many ER staff do not have the training or the tools necessary to help those with addiction and other mental health problems. […]

Understanding Marijuana Legislation: What is Legal and What’s Not?

marijuana legislation word collage

Ready to Take the Next Step? We are Ready to Help, Call Now! Turning Point of Tampa has helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping you find the life you deserve. Although marijuana is illegal under federal law, 15 states and the District of Columbia allow adults […]

Recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month This April

April is Alcohol Awareness Month banner

About 95,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related causes, making it the country’s third most preventable cause of death, according to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Alcohol use contributes to over 200 different diseases and injuries, increases suicide risk, fuels risky or violent behavior, and tears apart families. The more people […]

Treatment vs. Incarceration

man in jail holding bars

We know that addiction is a disease, so does it make sense to put people with a disease in jail and expect them to get better? Although prison sentences may be appropriate for those trafficking in the sale of illegal drugs, countless studies agree that jail time does not deter drug or alcohol use and […]

The Latest on the Decriminalization of Drugs

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While many U.S. citizens expressed outrage at talk of decriminalizing all drugs just a few years ago, over half the population now favors such a proposal. Most states have already legalized medical marijuana, and 15 states have legalized possession and use of limited amounts of recreational marijuana. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Florida. Possession […]

What are Personality Disorders?

two faces depicting personality disorders

The Mayo Clinic describes personality as “the combination of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that makes you unique. It’s the way you view, understand, and relate to the outside world, as well as how you see yourself.” Although your personality evolves throughout your life, your core personality forms during childhood, influenced by the environment you grew […]

What are Mood Disorders?

Mood Disorders | Turning Point of Tampa

In addition to interacting with our environment, we humans are chemical reactors, as well. The various moods we experience throughout the day are caused by a variety of factors such as the neurotransmitters and hormones circulating in our bodies (chemicals), our nature (genetics) and our nurture (upbringing, our environment and belief systems). It not well […]

Celebrating National Social Work Month 2021

national social work month logo

Every March, we celebrate National Social Work Month to highlight the outstanding contributions that social workers make to individuals, families and communities. We take time to recognize and applaud the work of our nation’s almost 700,000 social workers who help people overcome stigma and adversity to achieve a better quality of life. This year, the […]

What is Driving the Increase in Adolescent Mental Health Issues?

adolescent girl with depression

Adolescent suicide, depression, and other mental health disorders were serious issues long before the onset of the global pandemic. Now, a year into the pandemic, experts are releasing statistics showing the drastic rise in mental health issues in all age groups, including adolescents. A pre-publication, peer-reviewed report in the journal Pediatrics found significantly higher increases […]

What’s Driving the Increase in Adolescent Eating Disorders?

adolescents in face masks for covid-19

Any eating disorder has the potential to cause serious health damage and even death, but decades of research finds anorexia has the highest death rate of any mental disorder “due to the effects of weight loss and starvation on the body and brain.” Tragically, anorexia is also one of the most common eating disorders seen […]