What Is An Eating Disorder?

What is an Eating Disorder? | Turning Point of Tampa

This article explains the history of a diagnosed eating disorder, the founders who recognized this serious illness, and types of eating disorders. We will look at and define what an eating disorder is by discussing eating behaviors, as well as adding diagnoses under this umbrella, such as a binge eating disorder, binge eating, anorexia nervosa, […]

Bill Wilson (William Griffith Wilson)

Bill Wilson | Turning Point of Tampa

Because he is considered by many to be the original founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, William Griffith Wilson, was called, “the greatest social architect of the Twentieth Century”, by Aldous Huxley a prominent writer of the era. The continued success of AA bears this out. AA and the concepts that originated in it have saved millions […]

Understanding Process Addictions: Shopping, Gambling, Internet and More

Process Addiction | Turning Point of Tampa

Process addiction, also called behavioral addiction, is characterized by an overwhelming impulse to engage in a certain behavior despite negative consequences. While involved in the behavior, the individual experiences an elevated mood often followed by a sense of shame or guilt once the behavior ends. Common process addictions include shopping, gambling, sexual activity, video game […]

10 Ways to Stay Sober – No Drinking at Christmas

No Drinking at Christmas | Turning Point of Tampa

The holidays are a time of joy for many people, but they also bring challenges. Dealing with family members can be a struggle. Being back in one’s hometown might bring up unpleasant memories. Alcohol consumption increases during the Christmas season, so of course, there’s likely to be a lot of booze flowing. For people trying […]

Is Adderall Addictive? Understanding Risks and Signs of Dependence

Is Adderall Addictive? | Turning Point of Tampa

Adderall is one of the top 20 most prescribed drugs in the United States, and is only growing more prevalent. 41.4 million people were prescribed Adderall in 2021, a 10.4% growth from the previous year. With 9.4% of children in the United States being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Adderall and other prescription […]

Understanding Moon Rocks: The Latest In Overpowered Weed

Moon Rocks | Turning Point of Tampa

The Marijuana Potency “Arms Race” The marijuana strains of yesteryear are very different from the products available on the cannabis market today. THC is the psychoactive component that gets users of the drug “high.” Today’s strains and products are much higher in THC than those that were common in the past. Key Takeaways: High THC […]

Side Effects of Marijuanas Tea

Side Effects Of Marijuanas Tea | Turning Point of Tampa

What is Cannabis Tea or “Marijuana Tea”? Cannabis tea or marijuana tea is a cannabis-infused drink that has a simple process to make. A tea bag is used by seeping marijuana stems wrapped in cloth and then dipping it in hot water. Additionally, cannabis flowers can be used to make weed tea, with the amount […]

Signs of Alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism | Turning Point of Tampa

“We are convinced …that alcoholics of our type are in the grip of a progressive illness. Over any considerable period of time, we get worse, never better”. Alcoholics Anonymous pg.30 There are a variety of indications that an individual may be an alcoholic. While some signs of alcoholism can be subtle, others are much more […]

THC Detox

Thc Detox | Turning Point of Tampa

Struggling with THC dependence and seeking a path to recovery? In this article, Turning Point of Tampa explains the most effective THC and marijuana detox options. In addition, we will cover cannabis withdrawal and marijuana addiction treatment options. Key Takeaways Understanding THC Detoxification THC, the active compound in marijuana, can stay in the body for […]

Medetomidine: A Dangerous New Street Sedative

Medetomidine | Turning Point of Tampa

What Is Medetomidine? Medetomidine hydrochloride (often referred to as simply medetomidine) is a veterinary drug, meaning it is prescribed to animals (typically dogs) and is not intended for human use. However, it is rapidly emerging as a drug adulterant in the illicit drug supply. This means it is being added to street drugs. The unpredictable […]

The AA Big Book

AA Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous | Turning Point of Tampa

If you are not already familiar with the AA Big Book, this article is designed to give a quick overview of its contents as well as its purpose. First published in 1939, the AA Big Book is formally known by the title “Alcoholics Anonymous : The story of how many thousands of men and women […]

What Does Fentanyl Do to You?

What Does Fentanyl Do to You? | Turning Point of Tampa

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that affects the body and brain in significant ways. It’s known for its high potency, about 100 times stronger than morphine, and is used medically for severe pain. However, misuse leads to severe health risks, including addiction and potential overdose. This article explores “what does fentanyl do to you” […]

Black Tar Heroin: Sticky and Sinister

Black Tar Heroin | Turning Point of Tampa

The opiate crisis in the United States has caused over 700,000 deaths since 1999. Many of these deaths were due to heroin. Heroin users quadrupled between 2002 and 2013. Many trace the epidemic’s starting point to the overprescription of pain medications like Oxycontin. As users of these opioid medications developed a stronger tolerance, many of […]

Effective Treatment Strategies for Xylazine Wounds in Injection Drug Users

Xylazine Wounds | Turning Point of Tampa

Xylazine wounds, caused by the use of xylazine-laced drugs, are serious skin ulcers that can become dangerous if not treated. These wounds often appear at injection sites and can quickly worsen. This article will help you identify xylazine wounds and provide effective treatment strategies to manage them. Key Takeaways Understanding Xylazine and Its Use Xylazine, […]

How Tranq is Changing the Landscape of Street Drugs and Overdose Risks

Tranq | Turning Point of Tampa

Tranq, known scientifically as xylazine, is a veterinary sedative making its way into street drugs and causing a public health crisis. Combined with fentanyl, it dramatically increases overdose risks. This article unpacks tranq’s origins, illicit use, and the severe health threats it poses. Key Takeaways Understanding Tranq (Xylazine) Xylazine, commonly known in the street drug […]

The AA Symbol

AA Symbol | Turning Point of Tampa

This article is to explore the story behind Alcoholics Anonymous, a brief history of AA, and the AA ymbol. The circle enclosing a triangle represents AA’s global impact and evolution, as well as the core principles of 12-step recovery. The AA symbol of a circle encompassing a triangle, along with the words Unity, Service, and […]

Hydroxyzine: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, and Warnings

Hydroxyzine | Turning Point of Tampa

Hydroxyzine is a medication primarily used to control allergic reactions and relieve anxiety. It works by inhibiting histamine in the central nervous system and increasing serotonin levels. In this article, we will explore hydroxyzine’s uses, dosage guidelines, side effects, and important warnings. Key Takeaways How Hydroxyzine Works Hydroxyzine hydrochloride works its magic by: This makes […]

Is Alcohol a Stimulant or Depressant?

Is Alcohol a Stimulant or Depressant? | Turning Point of Tampa

Alcohol is a depressant. Overall, ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is generally considered to be a depressant. Alcohol acts to slow or depress basic functions of the central nervous system (CNS). Yes, drinking alcohol releases us from our inhibitions at first. But then, as alcohol slows the activity of the central nervous system, our reaction time […]

Anonymity Meaning

Anonymity Meaning | Turning Point of Tampa

The tradition of anonymity has been a critical part of AA, since it’s founding, in 1939. Let us always remember that anonymity – not taking credit for our own or others recovery – is humility at work. The Twelve Traditions Illustrated, published by World Services, New York, NY In AA, The concept of humility – […]

AA Camel Prayer

AA Camel Prayer | Turning Point of Tampa

After the book, “Dr Bob and The Good Oldtimers,” was published in 1980, by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, camels became a metaphor in Alcoholics Anonymous for sobriety, one day at a time. Dr. Bob liked the camel symbol. The concept of one master and staying the whole day completely dry. He then would explain prayer […]

Exploring What is DMT: Effects, Risks, and Legality Explained

What is DMT (n dimethyltryptamine) an endogenous hallucinogen? | Turning Point of Tampa

What is DMT (n dimethyltryptamine)? DMT is a natural psychedelic found in plants. Dimethyltryptamine—better known as DMT—is a powerful hallucinogenic substance. This article explains the nature of DMT, its effects on the human mind, cultural significance, legal status, and the addiction and health implications tied to its usage. Overview Exploring the Essence of DMT DMT, […]

Treatment to Beat Synthetic Marijuana in Hillsborough County

Treatment To Beat Synthetic Marijuana In Hillsborough County | Turning Point of Tampa

The use, abuse and addiction to synthetic marijuana and synthetic cannabinoid products has been a problem not only in Florida, but many other parts of the country, as well. For instance, in Hillsborough County, Florida, there have been reports of people being hospitalized for consuming synthetic marijuana containing a chemical found in rat poison! Also, […]

What Is An AA Sponsor?

AA Sponsor | Turning Point of Tampa

The answer to the question, “What is an AA sponsor?” is complex. Keep in mind that addiction recovery is hard. If we are to be successful, we will need all the help we can get. That’s where an AA sponsor comes in. Getting started in a 12 step program and beginning any process of recovery […]