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Turning Points of View

defeated athlete depicting addiction in sports

Addiction in Sports

Athletes face tremendous pressure to perform and win, sometimes at any cost. Some athletes turn to performance-enhancing drugs like steroids or amphetamines to gain a

Attitude of Gratitude Reminder at Rec Center

A Grateful Alcoholic, by Chris N.

I was taught early in my recovery that grateful alcoholics/addicts do not drink or use. With Thanksgiving upon us, the focus this week will be

eating disorders and athletes sign

Eating Disorders in Sports

Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental illnesses that affect people of all genders, ethnicities, ages, religions, sexual orientation, body shapes, and weight. Approximately 20

army veteran saluting

Being a Veteran in Recovery

Veterans, especially those who experienced combat, have a higher rate of substance use disorder (SUD) than the general population. A 2013 report by the National

Moving in Recovery, by Julie M.

Moving in Recovery, by Julie M.

“The Earth has music for those who care to listen”-Shakespeare I had always wanted to move. It was deep in my soul to get out

people dressed for the holiday season

Preparing for a Sober Holiday Season

Many of us feel our stress levels rise over the holidays, as we struggle with over-commitment, less sleep, unhealthy eating, financial strain, and exhaustion. For

man drinking coffee depicting caffeine addiction

Understanding Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increasing metabolism, elevating mood, and sharpening focus. Surveys find that over 90 percent of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily,

people compulsively shopping depicting addiction

Understanding Shopping Addiction

Those with a shopping addiction exhibit a pattern of compulsive shopping that consumes much of their time, negatively impacts their personal relationships, and often causes

Couple with tied together hands depicting sex and love addiction

What is a Sex and Love Addiction?

Both sex addiction and love addiction are mental disorders characterized by an impaired ability to engage in healthy emotional intimacy. Men or women suffering from

A Life Worth Living, by K.S.

A Life Worth Living, by K.S.

I didn’t start out an alcoholic and I always believed I could manage it on my own, despite the multitude of family and friends that

yes or no form depicting whether to date in recovery

Dating in Early Recovery

We typically consider early recovery to be the first year of abstinence from addictive behavior. It is exciting as you work to rebuild your life

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Turning Points of View