We made the news in Germany! | Turning Point of Tampa

We made the news in Germany!

We made the news in Germany! | Turning Point of Tampa

Recently, we were contacted by a German couple familiar with our addiction treatment programs. They let us know they heard “Turning Point of Tampa” on a German news program. “Taggeschau,” translated in English means “Daily News” and apparently this news program is the Number 1. news program in Germany and is also streamlined worldwide online!

Turning Point of Tampa also hosts The Point is Recovery Podcast and Taggeschau picked up a recent episode! Episode 10 with Mark Davis, LCSW, was focused on Employee Assistance programs and Mark offered a lot of great information about the actual costs that addiction takes on the workforce in the United States. The Taggeschau news report also mentions host Ashley Hall Neal experience working in the hospitality industry while abusing drugs & alcohol. Ashley has now been sober 15 years.

Check out the news report (translated in English) and let us know what you think!

USA: Milliardenschaden durch drogenabhängige Arbeiter


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