The Positive Effects of Sober Outdoor Activities

If you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, sober outdoor activities can help you stay on track. Connecting with the outdoors helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which are known risk factors for relapse. Outdoor activities can increase your sense of well-being as you enjoy nature either on your own or […]
Family Recovery from the Point of View of a Parent in Recovery

As a parent in recovery, you have taken the courageous step to stop using drugs or alcohol and to commit to long-term sobriety. You understand that addiction is a family disease and that your loved ones need support and guidance as they work to recover from the effects of addiction in the family. Why We […]
Recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month This April

About 95,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related causes, making it the country’s third most preventable cause of death, according to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Alcohol use contributes to over 200 different diseases and injuries, increases suicide risk, fuels risky or violent behavior, and tears apart families. The more people […]
Update on Overdose Increases During COVID-19

Current data shows that more than 1.9 million people worldwide have died from COVID-19, including almost 370,000 Americans. While these are shocking numbers, they do not include the many people who have died from COVID-related mental health challenges. Experts believe the virus continues to contribute to drug and alcohol overdose deaths, suicide, and the exacerbation […]
What Are Recovery Schools?

Results of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reveal startling statistics related to drug and alcohol use by teens and young adults. The statistics found that among youth between the ages of 12 and 20: 7.3 million use alcohol 4.5 million report recent binge […]
How Do You Get the Treatment You Need?

Whether you have a substance use disorder, a mental health condition, or an eating disorder, finding the most qualified treatment center to address your specific needs is key to a successful outcome. Knowing what questions to ask makes it more likely you will find the best treatment options for your situation. While most treatment facilities […]
Being a Veteran in Recovery

Veterans, especially those who experienced combat, have a higher rate of substance use disorder (SUD) than the general population. A 2013 report by the National Academy of Sciences found 44 percent of veterans returning from deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan experienced SUD, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and other challenges. Homelessness, incarceration, and suicide are […]
Preparing for a Sober Holiday Season

Many of us feel our stress levels rise over the holidays, as we struggle with over-commitment, less sleep, unhealthy eating, financial strain, and exhaustion. For those in recovery, navigating the holidays can be especially challenging. Not only do holiday gatherings often center around alcohol, but they may also include people, traditions, locations, or situations that […]
Understanding Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increasing metabolism, elevating mood, and sharpening focus. Surveys find that over 90 percent of U.S. adults consume caffeine daily, many of whom find it difficult to start their day without a caffeine boost. While many caffeine users state they are “addicted” to caffeine, experts disagree on whether excessive caffeine […]
Understanding Shopping Addiction

Those with a shopping addiction exhibit a pattern of compulsive shopping that consumes much of their time, negatively impacts their personal relationships, and often causes financial problems. They cannot stop the addictive behavior, even when they want to do so. Compulsive shopping may be used to block feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, or other negative […]
How Does Sex and Love Addiction Impact Families?

The American Society of Addiction Medicine states that “people with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” A person can have an addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, love, or another behavior that is compulsive and harmful. Any form of addictive behavior endangers the individual’s physical […]
What is a Sex and Love Addiction?

Both sex addiction and love addiction are mental disorders characterized by an impaired ability to engage in healthy emotional intimacy. Men or women suffering from either disorder typically have obsessive thoughts and compulsions leading to unhealthy behaviors. A sex or love addiction may negatively impact a person’s health, personal relationships, job, and ability to function […]
Dating in Early Recovery

We typically consider early recovery to be the first year of abstinence from addictive behavior. It is exciting as you work to rebuild your life with sobriety at its center. However, to achieve long-term success, your recovery must remain your highest priority. You are most vulnerable to relapse within the first year of abstinence. Because […]
Identifying Behavioral Signs of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction, known clinically as substance use disorder (SUD), is a chronic but treatable disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking behavior that occurs despite negative consequences. Addiction is both a “complex brain disorder and a mental illness,” according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Addictive behavior can happen with illegal drugs like heroin […]
Ending the Stigma of Mental Health and Addiction

Individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders continue to be unfairly stigmatized by those who do not understand these are chronic, treatable conditions. Suffering from one or both of these disorders does not mean the person is dangerous, at fault for their disorder, or, in the case of substance use disorder, too weak to […]
Managing Expectations in Early Recovery

A person is considered to be in the early stages of recovery for the first three to twelve months of sobriety. This time period is a critical stage in the recovery journey, as the highest incidence of relapse happens within the first 90 days of abstinence. Unsuccessfully managing triggers is one of the biggest threats […]
Florida Legislative Roundup: September 2020

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey DeSantis continue to work to increase treatment resources for residents with substance use or mental disorders, especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis. In August, ABC affiliate WCJB reported the Governor and Mrs. DeSantis held a round table forum in Seminole County to discuss how the current […]
Employment in Early Recovery

Completing an addiction recovery program is a great achievement. However, addiction is a chronic disease and recovery is a lifelong journey. To successfully maintain and thrive while living a sober lifestyle, you must carefully plan your next steps. While finding a job may feel like the most important next step after addiction treatment, it is […]
Proudly Introducing “The Point is Recovery” Podcast

September is National Recovery Month, dedicated to raising awareness on how treatment can change the lives of those affected by addiction, eating disorders, and other mental health challenges and to honor those in recovery. At Turning Point of Tampa, we strive every day to make recovery a reality for our clients. In recognition of National […]
National Recovery Month 2020

National Recovery Month has been observed every September since 1989. Its purpose is to educate the public on how treatment services can change lives for those with substance use and mental disorders and to recognize and honor those in recovery. The theme for 2020 is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections,” focusing on the […]
The Rise in Overdose Cases Since COVID-19

COVID-19 is not only causing widespread illness and death, but it is also increasing economic distress, social isolation, and anxiety, all risk factors for those actively using drugs or alcohol, and for those in recovery. Although drug overdose deaths in the United States decreased by about 4 percent in 2018, those numbers began to rise […]
The Power of Gratitude

Regularly expressing gratitude for the good in our lives, including people, and situations enhance our physical and mental health. When we focus on what we are thankful for, we attract more positivity, experience less stress and other negative emotions, strengthen our relationships, and are better equipped to overcome challenging situations. An attitude of gratitude can […]
The New Normal Post COVID-19

With recent increases in the numbers of COVID-19 cases, it’s doubtful life as we knew it will be returning any time soon. Large gatherings at sporting events, concerts, churches and any situation that makes social distancing difficult continue to be risky. Most of us have a new normal that we need to embrace, at least […]
Telehealth in Addiction and Eating Disorder Recovery

Telehealth allows a therapist or other medical professional to meet with clients using a live video connection. Using technologies such as videoconferencing, smartphone applications, and web-based tools, professionals can deliver health services remotely. The therapist and client still see and talk to each other in real time but without the need for the client to […]