Neil Scott | Turning Point of Tampa

E35: The Bright Side of Addiction is Recovery w/ Neil Scott

E35: The Bright Side of Addiction is Recovery w/ Neil Scott

Our guest for Episode 35 has dedicated most of his career to getting out a very important message – Addiction is a chronically relapsing brain disease, but with treatment and support, recovery is possible!

Neil Scott began his career in the addiction field as the Executive Director of the Santa Barbara chapter of the National Council on Alcoholism (NCA), and at that time he had no idea how closely linked to Alcoholism he actually was. Shockingly, Neil learned that not only did his father die from complications of Alcoholism, but his mother, too, was a practicing alcoholic.  Later on in his career, Neil became the Executive Director of the National Foundation for Alcoholism Communications, co-founder of Alcoholism & Addiction Magazine and editor of The Alcoholism Report.

For the last 15 years, Neil has hosted America’s top authorities on addiction and recovery as they share their experience, strength and hope on the national podcast, Recovery Coast to Coast. Neil starts every episode of the podcast by saying “The Bright Side of Addiction is Recovery” in an effort to end the stigma associated with addiction and shine a light on recovery!

Episode Resources

Recovery Coast to Coast

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Marty Mann

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families (ACA)

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Suicide Prevention Information

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) Advocacy


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