Art at the Point Final | Turning Point of Tampa

Art at the Point

Since 1993, Turning Point of Tampa has encouraged our clients to use their artistic talents to share their feelings about addiction, recovery, and the journey in between. What is now a campus Art Gallery started with a piece of art made from felt that says “One Day At A Time.” That little felt picture has been hanging my office for the past 28 years.

The next piece of artwork used a bed sheet as a canvas and clients painted their names, feelings, and messages on the sheet. That project was tucked away for a few years but was refurbished a bit in 2008. This piece of art now hangs in our aftercare group room and serves as a reminder of our history, and it is the first piece you will see in this video.

Everyone including visitors to our campus, staff and clients loved the artwork so much that Turning Point added a recreational art group to the program schedule. Today we still purchase large canvases and art supplies to continue the artistic momentum that was created on campus almost 3 decades ago. We have a dedicated space in our Recreation Center so that clients have a place where they can be creative and express themselves early in the recovery process.

We are grateful to have over 100 pieces of art here at The Point. You can find client artwork in therapist offices, client residences, the Marge Porter Resource Center (that houses the recreation center and the IOP) and the Main Building. This artwork represents thousands of clients working on their recovery and giving back. The video only represents some of our Alumni pieces, but the extensive collection of art on the walls at Turning Point of Tampa represents a powerful, daily message of Hope and Recovery.

  • Director of Professional Relations, Joan Browne

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