What recovery means to me…

I have been thinking about my recovery from alcoholism and how to explain what it means to me.

  • It means emerging into the light instead of living in darkness
  • It means waking up instead of coming to
  • It means knowing who I am instead of pretending what I want to be
  • It means finding meaning and purpose in my life instead of creating confusion and chaos
  • It means finding daily positives to be grateful for instead of dwelling on negatives to complain about
  • It means realizing that people in my life treat me with love and respect instead of anger and pity
  • It means fulfilling a dream instead of chasing a nightmare
  • It means finding hope instead of living in fear
  • It means being ready to act instead of ready to run

It’s all good………………………….What does your recovery mean to you?


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Turning Points of View