VA Health Care Program at Turning Point of Tampa
Turning Point of Tampa offers rehab for veterans who are wanting to address addiction and or alcoholism. Our residential program helps address substance use including prescription drugs such as opioid painkillers as well as screening for mental illness and assisting with mental health treatment.
Why Choose Turning Point of Tampa?
Veterans’ addiction treatment programs were created to address substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health care problems for inactive and active-duty service members who are struggling. Rehab centers like Turning Point of Tampa have helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping veterans find the life they deserve.
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. People with PTSD often have problems sleeping and concentrating, feel tense and have angry outbursts, have flashbacks, feel emotionally numb, and avoid situations that remind them of the original trauma.
PTSD can happen to anyone who has experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event. Some people may be more likely than others to develop PTSD after an event because of certain factors like their past experiences, their personality traits, or the way they view themselves.
Veterans Addiction Assistance
Treatment for Veterans & Active Duty Service Members
Preferred Provider of The Community Care Network
PTSD and Veterans Health
Veterans with PTSD are often in a constant state of hyper-vigilance, which can cause them to be easily startled, and have flashbacks. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) defines posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as an anxiety disorder that develops after someone experiences a traumatic event such as war, violence, physical abuse or sexual abuse.
Posttraumatic stress disorder is characterized by symptoms that may include anxiety, depression and flashbacks to the event that caused the trauma.
VA Benefits
The Veteran‘s Affairs benefits are a set of health care benefits that are provided to veterans and their families. They are like their own health insurance for veterans. The VA operates medical centers throughout the country to help an inactive or active service member. These benefits include education, housing, healthcare, vocational rehabilitation, employment, and other health care services. The VA offers a wide range of services to help veterans and their dependents get the care they need. The VA works closely with other organizations to provide a wide range of services for veterans and their dependents.
Veteran’s Struggle with Stigma and Getting Help
Veterans are often stigmatized for getting help and this can lead to feelings of shame and guilt. Many veterans feel like they need to be the ones that take care of others, even if it means putting their own needs aside. This leads to a lot of veterans feeling like they have failed their comrades and their country when they seek out help. This can also lead to substance abuse or other risky behaviors because the veteran feels like they deserve it.
Veterans Treatment for Alcohol Addiction
The treatment team at Turning Point of Tampa addresses drug and alcohol addiction through education and support services. Integration of the 12-step philosophy coupled with group therapy makes a winning combination for lasting recovery.
PTSD Treatment Near Me
Veterans can address PTSD in our addiction treatment program at Turning Point of Tampa. Veterans can also take advantage of veteran programs and services including peer support programs and the structure of the 12-step methodology to achieve sobriety or manage eating disorders.
Veterans Mental Health
The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will experience PTSD in their lifetime. The VA also estimates that more than half of veterans with PTSD do not seek treatment.
VA Alcohol Rehab
The programs offer various forms of treatment including detoxification or “detox” rehabilitation, and mental health services. Our goal is for our clients to leave treatment with the tools they need to stay sober and free from drug or alcohol abuse.