Turning Point of Tampa Highlighted on ABC News as People Look to Find Help After the Holidays | Turning Point of Tampa

ABC News – People Look to Find Help

Turning Point of Tampa Highlighted on ABC News as People Look to Find Help After the Holidays.

Right after the New Year, Keely McCormick from ABC news did an Interview with Robin Piper and Allison Tiisler to discuss how Turning Point of Tampa prepares to help addicts throughout the Holiday Season and 2023.

As rehabilitation centers in Hillsborough County, Florida, brace for a busy season and as more people seek help to overcome addiction after the holiday season — Turning Point of Tampa is aware and prepared to offer hope and services.

“A lot of times people need detox after the holiday season, they have drank every day for several weeks. People who are Prone to alcoholism or prone to have a problem with drinking or drug abuse tend to use more during the holidays because that’s the way they cope” — Robin Piper CEO

Typically, rehab centers experience a lull in patients during the holiday months, but for Turning Point Tampa, this year has been different. The CEO, Robin Piper, reports that the center did not experience a slow period and was nearing capacity in November. Piper attributes the trend to stress and coping mechanisms during the holidays.

Allison Tiisler, a recovering addict, and nurse manager at Turning Point Tampa, echoes the sentiment and stresses the importance of professional care for detox and addiction treatment.

Turning Point Tampa expects to see a spike in patients after things settle down after the Holidays.


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