I recently went to a meeting I don’t regularly attend. This particular meeting isn’t very close to my house and it is in a pretty rough neighborhood. The meeting turned out to be pretty good and afterward I hung out at the meeting after the meeting to talk with some of my friends.
As I was walking to my car to leave I noticed a guy walking toward me wearing a hoodie and his pants hanging down around his hips. My first thought was “Oh no, this isn’t going to be good.” The guy walked up to me and said “Yo Dog, I liked what you dropped in there can I get your 411,” and he proceeded to pull out his cell phone. Meanwhile, a friend of mine that had also been in the meeting walked up and overheard the conversation. I must have looked confused to my friend because he looked at the guy and then back at me and said he said “He liked what you shared and was hoping to get your phone number.”
I was once again reminded that you can’t judge a book by its cover. I gave the guy my phone number, thanked him and went home feeling humbled by the experience.