The Positive Effects of Sober Outdoor Activities

hikers crossing a river outdoors

If you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, sober outdoor activities can help you stay on track. Connecting with the outdoors helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which are known risk factors for relapse. Outdoor activities can increase your sense of well-being as you enjoy nature either on your own or […]

Recognizing Alcohol Awareness Month This April

April is Alcohol Awareness Month banner

About 95,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related causes, making it the country’s third most preventable cause of death, according to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Alcohol use contributes to over 200 different diseases and injuries, increases suicide risk, fuels risky or violent behavior, and tears apart families. The more people […]

What Are Recovery Schools?

sobriety 101 on chalkboard depicting recovery schools

Results of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reveal startling statistics related to drug and alcohol use by teens and young adults. The statistics found that among youth between the ages of 12 and 20: 7.3 million use alcohol 4.5 million report recent binge […]

Preparing for a Sober Holiday Season

people dressed for the holiday season

Many of us feel our stress levels rise over the holidays, as we struggle with over-commitment, less sleep, unhealthy eating, financial strain, and exhaustion. For those in recovery, navigating the holidays can be especially challenging. Not only do holiday gatherings often center around alcohol, but they may also include people, traditions, locations, or situations that […]

Dating in Early Recovery

yes or no form depicting whether to date in recovery

We typically consider early recovery to be the first year of abstinence from addictive behavior. It is exciting as you work to rebuild your life with sobriety at its center. However, to achieve long-term success, your recovery must remain your highest priority. You are most vulnerable to relapse within the first year of abstinence. Because […]

Managing Expectations in Early Recovery

journey to recovery from addiction sign

A person is considered to be in the early stages of recovery for the first three to twelve months of sobriety. This time period is a critical stage in the recovery journey, as the highest incidence of relapse happens within the first 90 days of abstinence. Unsuccessfully managing triggers is one of the biggest threats […]

Employment in Early Recovery

You got the job sign illustrating employment

Completing an addiction recovery program is a great achievement. However, addiction is a chronic disease and recovery is a lifelong journey. To successfully maintain and thrive while living a sober lifestyle, you must carefully plan your next steps. While finding a job may feel like the most important next step after addiction treatment, it is […]

Why Healing the Spirit is Important to Recovery

woman healing her spirit through meditation

When we are spiritually healthy, we are also living in harmony with our value system. If our behavior is in line with our personal ethics and morals, we are more likely to experience inner peace. Anyone can be spiritually healthy, whether or not they believe in a particular religion or spiritual tradition. In order to […]

Introduction to the Mind, Body, Spirit Approach to Wellness

mind, body and spirit approach

Optimum health is most attainable when your mind, body, and spirit are in alignment. This balance is more readily achieved through a holistic approach, which is healing that addresses the whole person, in conjunction with traditional medicine. Traditional medicine often focuses on treating an illness, including substance use or mental disorders, solely from a physical […]

How COVID-19 is Affecting Our Country


COVID-19 continues to cause great loss around the globe, including the loss of loved ones, livelihood, financial and personal security, and more. Some of these losses may have long-lasting and possibly permanent effects. Loved Ones Dying Alone One of the most wrenching losses for many of us is the inability to be physically present with […]

Recognizing National Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol Awareness Month

April marks National Alcohol Awareness Month, an annual educational campaign begun by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence to highlight the dangers of alcohol misuse. Since alcohol is widely available and plays a central role in many American gatherings, it’s no surprise that chronic risky behaviors like binge drinking and drunk driving continue […]

How Does Sober Living Work?


Returning to daily life after completing intensive addiction treatment can be a challenging prospect and may be difficult to accomplish successfully without support. It is well known that going back to an environment filled with the same addictive triggers is a recipe for failure. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), between 40 […]

Understanding Aftercare

raised hands holding hearts

What is Aftercare? Aftercare programs help people recovering from addiction issues transition from a structured inpatient or outpatient treatment program to a less structured environment. People in recovery who continue with individual, group, and family therapy and regularly participate in 12-step or other support groups have the greatest likelihood of successful long-term recovery. Completing a […]

Unrealistic New Year’s Resolutions in Recovery

New Year's Resolutions | Turning Point of Tampa

If you are in recovery, you have already taken the most important step of your life. Now that 2025 has arrived, you may be making inspirational resolutions concerning your life in the coming year. However, to maintain your sobriety and thrive in recovery, it is more useful to set specific, attainable goals than rely on […]