Keep Coming Back by Mark F. | Turning Point of Tampa

Keep Coming Back by Mark F

When I first came into treatment back in 2004, my therapist had me read ACCEPTANCE is the Answer in the Big Book. After reading it I really did not understand how that pertained to me, but as part of my assignment he had me read it over and over again. I finally came to realize how that chapter could relate to my being sober. While in my alcoholism, I would blame people, places and things for my problems, which would result in me drinking to either get back at them or “I’ll show you I’ll hurt myself and drink again.

I just celebrated 18 years of sobriety. My sobriety date is 07/07/04 and still to this day page 417 in the Big Book resonates with me and my recovery. Thank you, Bill W. and Dr Bob, for all you have done for millions of people. Also, thank you to Turning Point of Tampa for showing me how to live one day at a time in Acceptance.


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