Turning Point of Tampa is In-Network with United Behavioral Health Plans

Turning Point of Tampa is thrilled to be in-network with United Healthcare Insurance Company, providing access to addiction treatment resources and mental health services for our clients.

Like other insurance companies, being in-network means those who hold plans with United Healthcare may be eligible for treatment services at our facility.

United Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorder Treatment Coverage

United Behavioral Health offers resources and tools through their provider network of facilities. Although benefit packages and coverage will vary for addiction services, rest assured Turning Point of Tampa is contracted as an in-network provider.

Employers usually offer free or cost share insurance to their employees. To learn more about how to register or sign up for employee benefits, contact your employer. Phone numbers and an access code is often given to employees to contact United Behavioral Health directly to learn about specific benefits.

Substance abuse treatment benefits are covered by most United Behavioral Health insurance plans. Most addiction center providers offer counseling that will address alcoholism and addiction. Many times co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and/or depression will be addressed by the professionals on staff.

Insurance coverage is offered for adults struggling with drug addiction or alcohol addiction. Behavioral counseling for stress-related to relationship issues, substance abuse, family issues, eating disorders, and work-life balance will be part of the clinical program at Turning Point of Tampa.

Turning Point of Tampa is not contracted with Medicare or Medicaid. Free resources are usually available through every community, and we guide those we cannot help to search out solutions.

Does United Healthcare Cover Treatment for a substance use disorder?

Yes, in-network treatment providers with United Health Care will give you the opportunity to receive addiction treatment and mental health care services. If you are a United Health Care member and you hold a health benefits plan with them, you can use it towards addiction treatment services.

United Behavioral Health plans through United Healthcare will cover evidence-based and medically necessary addiction services.

That includes:

  • Alcohol and drug detoxification programs
  • Medication treatment therapy programs
  • Inpatient and residential treatment programs
  • Day programs, intensive outpatient programs, and outpatient programs

Each level of care will rely on the clinical acuity of the presenting problem.


Detoxification or “detox” is a medically supervised aspect of coming off drugs and or alcohol. Withdrawal is typically monitored to avoid severe and adverse reactions.

Your United Behavioral health plan may cover detoxification services such as symptom management, monitoring and care, intravenous hydration, medication, and other additional services. Some drugs require a detox for the safest withdrawal, for example, benzodiazepines. Withdrawal from benzos can result in seizures, coma or in severe cases, death.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment programs have been known to be very successful for addiction treatment. United Behavioral health plans can cover medication treatments for:

The covered services often include medication appointments, behavioral treatment, medication checks, drug screenings, and the medication itself.

Inpatient Services and Residential Treatment

United Behavioral Health covers evidence-based inpatient and residential addiction treatment programs. In order to be covered the program must be:

 Coverage for Inpatient Rehab

Day Programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs, and Outpatient Programs

United Behavioral Health covers Day programs, intensive outpatient programs, and outpatient programs.

An individual will often start their journey through recovery at the level they feel comfortable, while meeting clinical criteria. If someone fails at a lower level of care they will be screened for admission to a higher level of care.

Similarly, if an individual starts at the highest level of care, they will “step down” to lower levels based on their success with clinical milestones and achievements.

United Healthcare Services and Benefits

United Healthcare is the world’s largest healthcare insurance company. United Behavioral Health is the subsidiary of United Healthcare Insurance Company. If you are covered by a long-term UnitedHealthcare plan, such as UHC Select, Select Plus, or Choice, then you should have access to United Behavioral Health. This includes addiction, and mental health services.

United Behavioral Health handles most assessments and referrals for medical and behavioral health disorders, including substance use disorder treatment. It is best to contact your insurance provider if you have specific questions regarding your individual health plan.

Addiction and Mental Health

Often, a person suffering from an addiction or a substance use disorder, will also have co-occurring mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. A counselor can help to discuss these concerns and offer prevention strategies, tools and answers to avoid further concerns.

It may be difficult to discuss your mental health with someone you do not know. Families may feel more comfortable speaking with a mental health support staff member to address these concerns. Keep in mind, at Turning Point of Tampa we have compassionate and effective staff who can offer support and guidance.

Does United Healthcare Cover Mental Health Services?

Some mental health services including anxiety, depression, and other clinical issues for adults are covered. A focus on mental health and addiction often coincide, and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) was put into effect to ensure those suffering from both are treated fairly.

Insurance coverage for mental health care services depends on your health plan benefits. You can sign in to your health plan account or contact the phone number on your member ID card to determine if you may be eligible for specific mental health care services. You should have access to resources and the support site online.

Expert Care at Turning Point of Tampa

Since 1987, Turning Point of Tampa has been a family-owned facility focused on 12-Step oriented, quality care for men and women 18 years or older. Our group of on-site professionals focus on each individual client who walks in our door, providing resources necessary for the client.

Located on one campus, our programs feature highly-credentialed staff who provide real structure, teaching clients how to practice 12-Step principles, in a licensed, secure, residential setting where group counseling is a critical keystone.

Get Help at Turning Point of Tampa

Clients who come to our facility are a high priority. They are those who need the structure and guidance of a 12-Step program, PLUS the addition of therapy, psychiatric evaluation and care, as well as other disciplines of treatment. We have never wavered from this belief and never compromised what we believe in for the sake of the next “best quick cure” in the industry.

If you are looking for a facility that adheres to what they believe in and applies those standards and ethics in their organizational culture and lives, then you should consider Turning Point of Tampa and speak to one of our staff for more information on our support services.