Gratitude | Happy Guy | Turning Point of Tampa

Gratitude by Sean L

Gratitude: The number one quality I must keep in check these days. It’s really very simple.

When feeling low or down on yourself, do a quick check in. Ask yourself, “What people, places, or things have brought joy into my life recently?” Meditate on what that thought was, even if just briefly. It can bring you out of a slump. Think back to the good advice you last received from a friend or someone in your network and practice it. Think back to right before you got sober and remember how you felt most of the time. Even if you’re newly sober, you are doing so much better for yourself and your loved ones, even if you don’t realize it yet. Be grateful for every new day you wake up without having had a drink or drug the day before and pray for another one to come.

It takes practice, but if you continue checking in with yourself about what you are grateful for, it starts to become a way of living. Start putting it out into the universe. It will come back to you tenfold. Get outside of your head and see how someone else is doing. If you have been sober for even a month, you can always go to a meeting and usually find someone with less time than yourself. Welcome them to the meeting. Ask them about themselves and find common ground. Tell them how you have managed to stay sober so far. It can go such a long way to someone who is struggling. Tune into the conversations you are having and really pay attention to what the other person is saying. Give genuine, thought-out feedback if it is needed or just be an ear for someone, because sometimes that is all they need. Be grateful if you know what conversations you have learned to avoid because you are practicing setting boundaries for yourself. Say thank you to God in the morning and at night and anytime you feel the need to in between. Say it to the people who have made your day better and say peace to the people that you meet. You will be living in gratitude in no time!


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