Good Morning, God by Margery Porter

Good Morning, God by Margery Porter

In Memory of Margery Porter, B.S., C.A.P., C.E.D.S.
May 1942 – November 2004

What did you say to yourself this morning—“Good morning, God!” or “Good God it’s morning!” Interestingly enough, the small change of wording can make a world of difference in the type of day you set up for yourself.

For many of us, positive affirmations are a change, a new way of looking at life. AS the disease of addiction has progressed (either our own or someone close) we have a tendency to look at the dark side almost as if we’re afraid to think in a positive manner. You know, “If I don’t expect it, I won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t happen.”

In recovery, we’re encouraged to seek a balance in our lives. When completing the inventories required in Step 4 and Step 10 we’re often reminded to identify the qualities we want to enhance along with the character defects we want to eliminate. It’s also important to acknowledge the accomplishments of the day along with the wrongs for which we need to make amends.

Imagine if all the people at the 12 Step meetings were still in the “Good God it’s morning” attitude when new people come to the meeting. Why would anyone stay or want to come back? Instead of having what we want, all those people would appear to only habe what we are already too familiar with—negativity!

One of the responsibilities of recovery is to share experience, strength and hope with others. Among the many slogans that may be heard in the rooms is “You’ve gotta give it away to keep it.”

Think about how this works… when you smile at a new person, there’s a good chance you’ll get a smile in return. If you share what is was like for you, what happened, and what it is like today—it’s certainly a reminder for you about all you have to be grateful for, AND – those words may be just what someone at the table needs to hear to help them stay clean, sober and/or abstinent and in recovery for one more day.

Affirmations, gratitude lists and positive thinking all have benefits that reach far beyond our personally limited scopes. I remember how wonderful it was when someone remembered my name when I went to my second 12 Step meeting. Today I have to believe that she was feeling positive and unencumbered by her own self-centeredness. Chances are she had followed direction, asked her Higher Power for support and had been able to be kind to herself and acknowledge the positive aspects of her life throughout the day. In doing so she was able to reinforce her accomplishments and feel good about herself. As an added bonus she got to help me (without even knowing it). I know she didn’t know because in a chance encounter recently, we had an opportunity to reminisce about the good old days and I told her how much those words, “Hi Marge!” meant to me.

My first sponsor was adamant about the importance of daily positive affirmations (whether I felt like it or not). She gave me many challenges in my early recovery that continue to be part of my daily routine. One that continues to help me “keep it by giving it away” is to honestly identify and tell another person something positive I want to hear.

So, my challenge to all of you—give yourself the gift of daily affirmations. Then, give yourself the gift of giving those affirmations to others throughout the day. In doing so, you will be giving yourself gifts throughout the day—regardless of what else is going on in your life. At some time during the day, jot the affirmations down. Do this for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days, look at the list of positive things you know about yourself.


Let me know how this goes for you.
Remember, it all starts with, “Good morning, God!”


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