E25: The Crew & Year in Review

E25: The Crew & Year in Review

SEP 01, 2021 – The Point is Recovery Podcast was started one year ago in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic to shine a light on some good news. And that good news is that Addiction Recovery is Possible!

The podcast was the brainchild of the Professional Relations Team at Turning Point of Tampa, which is led by Joan Browne, Director of Professional Relations turned Producer. The team was focused on covering relevant topics that would be of interest to everyone, because let’s be clear, addiction does not discriminate, and many people will be affected by it at some point in their life.

So, after mixing 1 part tenacious (Joan), 1 part funny (Chris), 1 part resourceful (Ashley) and another part tech savvy (Jeremiah, AKA “Big J”), The Point is Recovery Podcast came to fruition and the first episode was aired on September 2, 2020!

It meant a lot to us to launch in September as September is National Recovery Month. It is so important for us to celebrate the 23 million Americans living in recovery in the United States as well as the countless family, friends and behavioral health professionals that support them. This podcast is dedicated to everyone affected by addiction and our hope is that we can not only share information and resources that make recovery accessible for everyone, but also do our part to end the stigma.

Episode 25 is going to be a bit different. We take a look back and discuss some of the highlights from the past year. In 2021, we continue to be focused on ending the stigma of addiction & mental health and that all starts with normalizing recovery!

Today on the other mics are our Producer, Joan Browne and our Sound Engineer, Jeremiah Fowler, also known around here as Big J.

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Turning Points of View