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The Damage Done When Using Inhalants

The Damage Done When Using Inhalants | Turning Point of Tampa

If you were advised to take a medication prescribed by your physician and the list of side effects included the following: Damage to the central nervous system, hearing loss, seizures, limb spasms, brain damage, lung damage, coma, and/or death.  You most likely wouldn’t take it. However, many people risk damaging themselves in these ways when they use inhalants. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the definition of an inhalant is: […]

My Recovery, My Responsibility by Sarah C.

My Recovery, My Responsibility | Recovery Bites | Turning Point of Tampa

I survived my addiction to opiates and today I am grateful to know that total abstinence from all mind/mood altering substances is possible by working a 12-step program of recovery. I hear a lot of medical professionals tell addicts that the solution for staying off opioids is an opioid agonist like methadone or suboxone. That’s […]