Recovery has been amazing. Nothing has so much equipped me for dealing with life like the coping skills I have learned in sobriety and in working the 12 Steps of AA. I think acceptance is the best coping skill one can have and, for me, that was not realized until I could grasp the concepts of letting go and trusting the process. Acceptance teaches me that I may not like the process but my approval is not necessary. With acceptance, I have stopped trying to control things that I spent my life thinking I could control, and this has led to peace and serenity…most of the time! Sometimes I get frustrated but my response, in recovery, is much different than it was when I was active in my addiction. I definitely was the “I’ll show you” type of drinker, and the only one that suffered from such was me. I have had many magnificent life moments, many celebratory events in my life, and all appreciated with a clean and sober lens on life. I have also had some significant losses and devastating occurrences, and sobriety equipped me to handle those in a much more appropriate manner. I honestly have no regrets about being a recovered alcoholic and living life unfiltered. Ups and down, a sober life is a beautiful thing.